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Applications subject to background check prior to membership and signing of the member agreement

  • $295 ANNUAL FEE + $50 one-time nonrefundable application fee. Checks are made payable to Builders America, Inc.



  1. A company listing on the website.

  2. Listing on our Consult A Home Pro App.

  3. Inclusion in the E-Newsletter, up to four times a year.

  4. Biz to Biz monthly virtual networking meetings.

  5. Opportunity to be a trade fulfillment service in your category of business to Builders America.

  6. Learn about new and upcoming events and benefits.

  7. Participate in a local chapter (where available).

  8. Discover what members and chapters are talking about.

  9. Lead passing among members.

  10. 2 Social Events per year

Please Fill Out This Application Form

Please provide 3 client references

Please provide 3 trade references

Additional information

Upload a copy of current insurance carriers for General Liability, Workers Compensation, Vehicle and Automobile, Builders Risk, Excess Liability Coverage

Upload File
Upload supported file (Max 15MB)
Are you a Member of the Better Business Bureau?

Once you submit this application, you will be redirected to the paid plans page where you will need to pay the $50 Application Fee.

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